Hi there! Happy New Year! Has it really been over a year since I’ve shared something with you? Time has flown by! Our little guy is walking now, and we love every minute with him! I haven’t really baked many things since he was born aside from some special celebratory cakes, a few random batches of cookies, and these muffins. I whipped these up the night before his birthday so he had a special treat to share at daycare and so that we had a tasty baked good to put a candle in when we sang to him. We’ve been making his food since he started solids, but this was the first time he tried my baking, so his first bite was a special moment for me! These muffins come together really quickly and have a tiny halo of health since they are made with whole wheat and oatmeal flours and bananas. That being said, I didn’t let him eat too much since we’re really striving for him to have a healthy diet! If you want a nice muffin that uses up the cache of ripe bananas that is taking over your freezer, give these a try!
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