About Me and FAQs

Welcome to Anush Lini!  My name is Julie.  I'm writing this blog as a way to share recipes, my baking adventures, and most importantly, to document how much butter a person can use.  When I’m not riding my bike or planning a trip with my husband Scott, you can find me in my kitchen in Northern Virginia with copious amounts of flour and butter, an apron, and my camera. 

I’d love to answer your questions, so feel free to email me at anushliniblog@gmail.com.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What does Anush Lini mean and how do you pronounce it?
Anush lini means "let it be sweet" in Armenian and it is pronounced “ah-noosh lee-nee.”

I see that your blog’s name is Armenian.  Are you Armenian? 
No, I’m not Armenian.  I did live on Komitas Avenue in Yerevan for a bit in 2007 though, and it was a lot of fun.  Scott is the real Armenia expert in our family; he lived there for a total of three and a half years. 

What’s this about a butter count?  Do you eat all of that butter?  Isn’t that unhealthy?
I’m just keeping a butter count for fun.  It is a count for all of the recipes that are posted on the blog.  My butter use is actually much higher since there are things that I make that don’t get posted.  Don’t worry though, Scott and I don’t eat all of that butter by ourselves!  Most of the stuff I make we share with family, friends, and co-workers. 

December 1, 2010 - December 2, 201158.7 sticks
December 3, 2011 - December 1, 2012 45.8 sticks

How do you measure your flour, cocoa powder, sugar, etc.?
I measure dry ingredients by scooping them into a measuring cup with a spoon and then leveling off the top with a butter knife.  

I see that the weight of a cup of flour in your recipes isn’t always consistent.  Why is that? 
There are some variations in the weights because I weigh out the ingredients for each recipe and, truth be told, I have two sets of measuring cups and don’t always pay attention to which set I am using.  I could just give you an average weight for a cup or teaspoon of each ingredient, but where is the fun in that? 

I see that you often say a recipe is “adapted from” or “inspired by.”  What does that mean?
There are so many recipes out there, it is hard to make something that is entirely new.  Basically, I just like giving credit to the starting point for my recipe.  The recipe I post is different in some way from the original source. 

Are you a trained baker?
No. Baking is my hobby, but I have been baking and day dreaming about food ever since I was a kid.  If you’d like to see some proof, here is a picture that my parents took of me with one of the first chocolate cakes that I made all by myself.

Who takes the photographs for your blog and what kind of camera is used?
Unless noted, I am the person who takes the photographs.  For the most part, I use a Nikon D3100, and I edit the photos in Picasa.

Who took that photograph of you at the top of your about page?
Scott took it in Kuala Lumpur.   

I like one of your photographs.  Can I use it?

I’m honored that you like my photographs.  If you’d like to use an image, please ask first.  You can reach me by email at anushliniblog@gmail.com. 

Do you make money off your blog?

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